
CSS Loading Animations

by pixelpapa

CSS Loading Animations

Designed by Hugo Giraudel, here comes a detailed tutorial on how to create stunning CSS loading animations! You will learn more about how to make some creative CSS-only loading animations also known as activity indicators.

The goal of the tutorial is to show the potential of CSS, particularly CSS3, that’s why the rendering could be altered on IE9-. If you plan to support these browsers, be sure to make fallbacks. Plus, you won’t see any vendor prefixes in the CSS snippets, you will find those in the files.

Furthermore, the designer shared a few things about the advantages and disadvantages of pure CSS loaders and preloaders, and links for related further readings and resources.

Lastly, in the link, you’ll find download source and a demo of the loading animations. Feel free to share, use and modify according to your needs and requirements. We hope you find this helpful. Download today and enjoy!