
Metro Testimonial Slider in CSS3

by pixelpapa

Metro Testimonial Slider

Designed by Sara Soueidan, this Metro testimonial Slider in CSS3 comes in an awesome CSS3-only snippet. It is available at

CodePen is a social development environment for front-end designers and developers. It’s the best place for designers to build and deploy a website, show off their work, build test cases, and find inspiration.

Moreover, in the link, you’ll find the different ways to view the pen: in editor, details or full page view. Plus, you’ll get direct code links in HMTL, CSS, and Javascript.

Furthermore, the details will allow you to check out a preview of the code and some positive reviews from other users. The code already has 181,835 views, 567 likes, and 28 comments. These positive comments include the pen being called as interesting, brilliant and awesome.

Lastly, feel free to use and modify the link according to what your needs and requirements are. We hope you find this useful. Download today and enjoy!