
3D Logo Mockup PSD

by pixelpapa

3D Logo Mockup

Today’s giveaway from GemGfx is an elegant and realistic 3D Logo Mockup. It’s a great way for you to showcase a logo or identity to a client or potential customer.

The file comes with a decent resolution, organized named layers, and is very easy to use. To modify, simply edit the smart object layer named “Logo Artwork” and replace the artwork in it with your particular artwork. Afterward, the 3D effect will be applied to your new artwork and you’re done!

Lastly, the purpose of GemGfx is to help other designers, advertisers, and creatives find a way to present their work to their clients with class and beauty. By downloading and using the file, you agree to the terms of use.

We hope you find this useful and effective for your current and future projects. Feel free to share but you are in no position to sell this to other people.

Download today and have fun!